% (can be amplified by the Battle Manual)30
% (can be amplified by the Bubble Gum)67
% (Exp Loss reduced to 1
, and 15
slots in total300
,and 900
in total.After VIP expiration, all bonus revert to their original values. Existing characters remain unaffected, and items exceeding storage capacity in the storage are only taken, not stored.
Talking to Natsumi grants a food status of all +5
for 30 minutes.
The effects of advanced dishes will override those of lower-level dishes, but not vice versa.
Click on the Angeling Icon in the top right corner to claim rewards. Reset at 0:00 AM (UTC+0) every day (no accumulation).
Advance Batlle Manual Status 2
Bubble Gum Status 2
Insurance Status 3
Token Of Siegfried 2
/day (no comsumption)
When Merchant class use Cart Decoration skill,Cart Appearance incresed from 3 to 7