We have adjusted the calculation order for equipment experience bonuses, allowing VIP bonuses and battle menu status to amplify each other.
In this example, the server rate multiplier is ignored.
Target Dragon: EXP 2000 / 1000
%Part 1: Base EXP
Final BaseEXP = 2000 * (1 + 200 / 100) = 6000
Part 2: Job EXP
Use the result from step 2 to calculate the amplification by the Job Battle Menu. In this example, 50 * 50 / 100 = 25.
Add the Job Battle Menu bonus and the amplification from above to the result from step 4: 200 + 50 + 25 = 275.
Final JobEXP = 1000 * (1 + 275 / 100) = 3750
New Process:6000 / 3750
Old Process:5000 / 3000
When a party shares experience, each member receives an additional EXP bonus of: 25 * (non-AFK devices - 1)%.
In simpler terms, if a Wizard and a Priest party up and both attack monsters, they can evenly split the experience. For example, the total experience would be (100 + 25 + 25) / 2 = 75% for each character.
Each day, a random type of monster is selected to receive a +50% experience bonus.
This type is determined by one size category (Large, Medium, or Small) combined with one element or one race.
The Kill Quests refers to, but is not limited to, hunting quests. These quests are displayed in the ALT+U quest UI, and upon killing the specified targets, a yellow counter will appear above their heads to track the quest progress.
If the killer does not meet the level requirement of the quest, all of the party members will NOT increase the kill count.
Assuming a party is engaged in the "Hode" Hunting Quest, with a level limit of 30 to 60, and most members' levels fall within this range.
Now, a Lv90
Hunter joins the party and assists in killing Hode. All of the party members will NOT obtain the kill count generate by the Hunter.
Because the level of the killer is too high and does not meet the level requirement for the quest.
In a Party, the member for luring monsters is called ”Puller“. Previously, while the Puller was out luring monsters, they couldn't witness the party's kills, and thus couldn't gain kill counts.
Now, if the Puller pass the Puller Check, he can remotely obtain the kill counts generated by the party.
The "Puller Check" refers to the obligation of the Puller to fulfill their role. If they idle arround from the party and remain AFK for an extended period, they won't be able to gain kill counts.
Puller Check applies only to pary with three or more members. Kill count generated in areas where half or more of the party members are gathered will be broadcasted to the whole map.